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About Us

Why Choose Ibtikaar?


With our nursery grading of 'Good' by OFSTED Ibtikaar is an independent nursery that parents place their children in our care feeling comfortable, happy, confident and relaxed knowing they are in a secure, loving and learning environment.


Our nurseries give every child the social skills and confidence they need in their formative years, providing them with a sound platform for transition into school life.


When you choose Ibtikaar Nursery for your child, you can be sure to enjoy the confidence, satisfaction and security you demand.





The success of Ibtikaar Nursery is founded upon a fundamental commitment to quality education combined with fun and care.


We believe that every child is an individual - a unique combination of vitality and delight, of excitement and inquisitiveness. What they all have in common is a wealth of potential. Ibtikaar Nursery provides the opportunities for each child to fulfil their potential by developing self-confidence, so that they are happy with themselves and with each other, and by giving them care, love and a world of new experiences.

We strive to balance established educational principles and acknowledged values with current trends in nursery care and educational thinking. We plan all activities with the core educational curriculum in mind and select the best elements from the Traditional, EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage), Montessori and High Scope pre-school approaches.



Equal Opportunities


An equal opportunities policy is followed by the nursery, to ensure that all children have equal access to the curriculum and are encouraged to meet their potential. A positive image is presented, using a wide variety of cultures.



Promoting British Values


We are committed to fostering a climate and ethos in which British values are promoted and maintained as a part of children's education. As well as educating the children in these areas we expect our team members to uphold these values in everything they do alongside our own Code of Conduct.


Promoted through allowing children to be listened to and afforded time to ask and respond, building an understanding that their views count. For older children making joint decisions through a show of hands or for younger children using visual aids and the chance to develop speech and language.

Individual Liberty

Promoted through children developing a positive sense of themselves, aiding their confidence and self-esteem and allowing them to explore the language of feelings and responsibility

Rule of Law

Promoted through children managing feelings and behaviour, teaching consequences of behaviour and distinguishing right from wrong. We utilise the six steps of conflict resolution which help children to learn the skills to manage their behaviour and understand behaviour that others display

Mutual respect and Liberty

Promoted through our ethos of inclusion and tolerance, sharing different faith celebrations, and providing resources and activities which challenge gender, cultural and racial stereotyping.

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